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Safeguarding_Poster-_Staff.pngAt All Saints CEVA Primary School we protect the welfare and safety of all members of our community.  We respect and value each person as unique and safeguard their right be themselves.  We work together to create a healthy, active, caring and safe environment to protect the physical, emotional, social and mental welfare of all of our school community.

Our Code for Safety

  • Respect is shown towards the views and values of others and their right to feel safe
  • Every Adult will safeguard the children
  • Special care is taken not to hurt others with our words or actions
  • People listen to children and factually record their concerns
  • Everyone cares and will maintain the safety of our environment
  • Calmness is encouraged but swift action taken if a child’s welfare is threatened
  • Together we teach the children how to stay safe, happy and healthy


All people who work with our children and on behalf of All Saints CEVA Primary School will comply with safeguarding procedures in relation to recruitment, risk assessments, off  and on site procedures, environmental safety, e-safety and as part of their every day practice with children.  It is the responsibility of all staff to know safeguarding procedures, apply the principles in practice, attend training and report any concerns.

All staff will undergo an enhanced DBS check and it their responsibility to notify the DSL if there has been any change in their personal circumstance that make pose a threat to children.


Every organisation has to have a “named” person for safeguarding children and young people. The Governing body has to ensure that an appropriate member of staff should take the lead. This person should have the status and authority within the school to carry out the duties of the post including committing resources and where appropriate supporting and directing staff.

At All Saints CEVA the Designated Safeguarding Lead is Emma Johnson, our Head Teacher. We also have three other members of staff who are fully trained and take the role of Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Within our Safeguarding and Child protection policy it is set out the process for dealing with child protection concerns. The policy is on the website but also alternatively the school can provide you with a copy; please ask at the school office.

All adults in school must have regular training to ensure that they are aware of the signs of abuse and know what to do about their concerns. They have a duty to report these to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

All Saints has a legal duty to talk to other agencies such as Children’s Social Care and the Police if we feel that a child may be at risk of harm.


The Early Help Support Service is for those working with children and families. We provide information, advice or guidance around:

  • Early Help Assessment
  • support to create a team around the family meeting (including finding out what other agencies may be involved with the child or family you are supporting)
  • access to services, interventions and training.

Telephone: 0300 126 1000


If we advise that early help is needed, you can use the Early Help Assessment process.


The MASH can advise on whether a family needs early help or whether they meet the threshold for statutory child protection.

Telephone: 0300 126 1000

Email (secure address):