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Governing Body

Who are Governors and what do they do?  

The board of governors at All Saints CEVA Primary School and Nursery Unit take an active and supportive interest in all aspects of school life.  The current governors are drawn from a wide cross section of the community.

The role of governors and governing bodies is to help the school provide the best possible education for their pupils by:

  • Setting the school’s values, vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies, and making creative use of resources;
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance, acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher to support and challenge them in managing the school;
  • Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs.

Please see below for more information about our Governing Team and their roles in our school.

 Role Name
Foundation Governor (Chair Of Governors)  Mr Bob Townson
Foundation Governor  Mr Ian Barrett
Foundation Governor  Mrs Pat Thomas
Foundation Governor  Mr Chris Butts
Foundation Governor  Vacancy
Foundation Governor  Vacancy
Foundation Governor  Vacancy
Parent Governor (Vice Chair of Governors)  Mr Michael Coomber
Parent Governor  Mrs Gloria Ogunrinde
Local Authority Governor  Mr Sonny Thind
Staff Governor  Mrs Aimee Kerr
Head Teacher  Mrs Emma Johnson

Faith Focus Group
The Faith Focus group meets termly and focuses on upholding the Christian ethos of the school. Its members consist of all six foundation governors and the R.E subject lead. The committee monitors religious education, collective worship and SMSC and the schools progress in line with the Statutory inspections of Anglican and Methodist Schools. All Church of England schools are required to have SIAMS inspection from the diocese. The principal objective of the SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a Church school. The Faith Focus group performs regular self-evaluation of the school in preparation for inspection and also works with the Vicar of All Saints Church and members of the church congregation who volunteer their time to assist with this self-evaluation.

Pay & Performance Committee
The Pay and Performance committee meet once a year to hear pay recommendations following performance agreements.

Governor Structure

 Governor Roles and Responsibilities
 Mr Bob Townson Chair of Governors, Governor for the STEM Curriculum Team
 Mr Michael Coomber Vice Chair of Governors, Governor for the Arts Curriculum Team, Website
 Mr Ian Barrett Governor for the Communication and Language Curriculum Team, Health and Safety
 Mrs Pat Thomas Governor for the Knowledge and Understanding of the World Curriculum Team
 Mr Chris Butts  
 Mrs Gloria Ogunrinde EYFS
 Mr Sonny Thind Governor for the Personal, Social and Emotional Development Curriculum Team
Mrs Aimee Kerr Staff Governor
Mrs Emma Johnson Head Teacher


Governing Body Attendance Record for 2023-2024

September 2023-May 2024

Name Term of Office Full Governing Board Meetings attended Pay Comittee Meetings Attended Faith Focus Group Meetings Attended

Samantha Barber

09/12/21- 08/12/25




Claire Le Maistre

18/11/20- 17/11/24




Emma Johnson





Aimee Kerr

26/03/22- 25/03/26



Robert Townson

15/04/21- 14/04/25




Kerry McAllister

Associate Governor 



Sonny Thind

14/06/22- 13/06/26



Pat Thomas

First appointed:


04/09/23- 03/09/27




Ian Barrett

First appointed:


04/09/23- 03/09/27




Gloria Ogunrinde

07/12/21- 06/12/25



Kath Thomas

09/10/23- 08/10/27




Michael Coomber

22/10/23- 21/10/27




Governing Body Diversity Indicators 2023-2024

All Saints CEVA Primary School and Nursery Unit Diversity Information


Male- 40%

Female- 60%

Other gender identity- 0%

Age group:

18- 40 - 20%

41- 60 - 40%

61 or over - 40%

Ethnic group:

Asian or Asian British- 10%

Mixed or multiple ethnic groups: 0%

Black, Black British, Caribbean or African- 10%

White- 80%


Christian- 90%

Hindu- 0%

Muslim- 0%

Jewish- 0%

Sikh- 10%

Dear Heavenly Father,


We seek your blessing and support in all the responsibilities we bear as Governors of this school. 


May we reach our decisions prompted by a desire to serve.


Grant us wisdom and understanding of our school, our community and ourselves.


Watch over the children and staff of this school so that it may flourish according to your will.



All Saints logo Redraw


All Saints Governing Board

Our Governing Board here at All Saints is made up of 12 members:

  • 7 Foundation Governors
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 1 Staff Governor and Headteacher

As All Saints is a Church of England Aided Primary school, there will always be a majority of foundation governors. Foundation governors are appointed to serve as governors by the diocese. Foundation Governors have a particular focus on our school's Christian character and along with the Head Teacher, monitor and evaluate the school's distinctiveness and effectiveness as a Church School.

Please send any correspondance to: Chair of Governors, c/o All Saints CEVA Primary School, Castle Street, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 1LS.