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School Uniform

School Uniform

School Uniform

Autumn/ Winter/ Spring Uniform  Summer Uniform
  • Grey or Navy Skirt/Trousers/Pinafore
  • V-Neck Jumper/Cardigan with School Logo
  • White Shirt*
  • School Tie in House Team colour
  • Black shoes, not trainers
  • GIRLS- White or Navy Socks
  • GIRLS- Navy or Grey Tights
  • BOYS- Black or Grey Socks


*Children in KS1 (Reception, Year 1, Year 2) may wear a white polo shirt

  • Grey or Navy Skirt/Trousers/Pinafore
  • Blue and White checked Summer Dress
  • Grey Shorts
  • V-Neck Jumper/Cardigan with School Logo
  • White Shirt*
  • School Tie in House Team colour
  • Black shoes, not trainers
  • GIRLS- White or Navy Socks
  • BOYS- Black or Grey Socks
 *Children in KS1 (Reception, Year 1, Year 2) may wear a white polo shirt

 When starting school in September, the Winter Uniform is to be worn. As the weather gets warmer into the Summer Term, Mrs Johnson will announce on Head to Home the start of the Summer Uniform.

PE Uniform

PE Kit 
  •  Navy Shorts (Not cycling type shorts)
  • School House Team T-Shirt with School Logo
  • Plimsolls/Trainers
  • Navy Blue Tracksuit/Jogging bottoms
  • Navy Blue PE Jumper with School Logo OR Navy Blue School Jumper (No hoodies to be worn for safety reasons)

Children have PE Days at All Saints where they come in to school dressed in their PE Uniform one day a week. If you are unsure of when your child's PE Day is,please speak to your class teacher. It is essential they come dressed in their PE Kit to enable them to take part in their PE sessions.


Please note that the only school uniform items that must be ordered from the School Uniform Shop are School Jumper/ Cardigan, PE Top and School Tie.

Click here

All others items of uniform can be purchased from other stores in line with the uniform described above.


Book Bags- It is expected that all children will have a book bag with the school logo up to and including Year 5. Year 6 are permitted to bring rucksacks.

Jewellery- Children should not wear jewellery to school.  If your child has pierced ears, earrings must be removed before school on the day your child is doing PE and/ or has their swimming lessons.  The school takes no responsibility for lost jewellery

Nail Varnish/ make-up/ temporary tattoos should not be worn in school.  If children come to school wearing nail varnish or make-up parents will be informed and asked to come into school to remove it.

Long hair should be tied back at all times – navy ribbons/hair bands/ bobbles can be used.

When replacing school jumpers or cardigans please purchase the school regulation jumper or cardigan with the school logo on it.  This is the only item that we request that is bought with our school logo on.