All Saints CEVA Primary School is delighted to offer the facility for parents to make payments online for school activities.
Trips and Music Lessons
Our ScoPay facility will allow a more streamlined, cost-effective and efficient payment collection system in a secure and safe environment by paying on line with either a debit or a credit card. ScoPay allows payments for school trips and music lessons.
If you have any difficulties using ScoPay please contact the Office.
School Dinners
All children have been given a letter explaining how to book school meals.
Step 1: Go to and activate your account as soon as possible. (your letter has your unique code.
Step 2: To book meals, simply go to MAKE BOOKINGS, select your meal choices and proceed to checkout. Please pay for your meals at the time of booking or they will be cancelled. If your child receives Free School Meals or is in Key Stage 1 then no payment is required; you can simply 'Confirm Bookings' and log out.
PLease remember the cut off time for all orders is midnight on Wednesday for the following week's meals.