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Communicating With Parents

Welcome Poster

Here at All Saints, we are proud to say that we have a 'family feel' to our school and like to describe ourselves as a village school in a town centre. With this being said, we have a very open door policy with regards to communicating with parents and hope that when you join our All Saints Family, you feel that you can talk to any member of staff with ease.

Each morning and evening when welcoming children to school or saying goodbye for the day, there is always a member of our Designated Safeguarding Team stood on the gate as the first port of call for any information or to chat through any concerns or worries you may have for that day. For longer conversations, we encourage parents to contact the office where we can try to accomodate a request for a meeting at our earliest convenience.

For further information on how we communicate with parents across the school year, please read on...


Head to Home Header for Class Dojo 1170 x 1170 px 1170 x 585 px

Head to Home is our Weekly Newsletter. We use this as a way of sharing all that has been happening in our school community. There is always a section written by a member of our Senior Leadership Team and various other important information and photos throughout. It celebrates the children’s learning and gives parents a feel for all the exciting things that are happening in school. We make every attempt to give parents advance notice of school events, Head to Home is the schools vehicle for this- if you are ever unsure on something that is happening in school, please refer to Head to Home!

Head to Home is sent out every Friday afternoon. Please ensure that you take the time to read the information carefully. If you believe that you are not receiving Head to Home when you should be, please pop in to the school office who can help rectify this for you.

Class Dojo School

Class Dojo

ClassDojo is an app which we use in school for various reasons. Not only is it our behaviour reward system, but we also use it as a means of communication. Class Dojo connects primary school teachers, students and families through communication features, such as a feed for photos and videos from the school day, and messaging that can be translated into more than 35 languages. We utilise Class Dojo daily, so please ensure that you are connected to your child's account.

Welcome Meetings

These meetings happen a few weeks into the Autumn Term with the purpose being to share with parents the focus of the year and discuss the priorities.

The evening starts with a session led by the Head Teacher for 20 minutes sharing the key priorities for the year, expectations of being a member of the All Saints community and to share a new initiative. The second part is based in the Classroom and is teacher led. The focus is to provide an insight into life in whichever year group the child is in, meet the teacher and ask any questions you may have at this point in the year.

Family Learning Review Meetings (FLRMs)

  • Held in December and March

  • For all children with the expectation that all children attend with their parent.

  • Appointments are 10 minutes for Years Reception to Four and 15 minutes for Year Five and Six.

  • Appointments run from 9.00 onwards for Years 5/6 and from 1.00 onwards for R to Year 4.

  • The Headteacher attends Learning Review Meetings across the last two years for each child at the end of KS2. This provides continuity and in depth opportunities to support and identify ways forward.

  • Other members of staff who may play an important part in the child’s learning may also be invited to attend.

Reception to Year Four

These meetings take the format of celebrating each child’s strength’s while also highlighting areas where both the school and home can support the child. The child will be included in the conversation as these meetings. The teacher will ask questions to express their successes and challenges they may have faced, the child should share work they are proud of and next steps should be discussed. These meetings are 10 minutes long.

Year Five and Six 

Each child presents a set of slides illustrating their self-assessed views of their successes and challenges across the curriculum.

The presentation is prepared by the child during lessons the previous week and serves as a structure for the dialogue between the child, their Teacher, Parents and the Head Teacher. During the meeting the child presents different areas of the curriculum in turn and discussion ensues how best to support their in learning the next steps to achieve further progress. The child or teacher may refer to work within their books to illustrate a point of discussion, thereby providing the family with detailed insights into ways they may be able to support the child’s learning. These meetings are 15 minutes long.

Bookings for Family Learning Review Meetings are made online via your Scopay Account

School Reports

  • Children receieve one school report each academic year, which is sent out at the end of July.

  • From Year 1 upwards children write their own reports and teachers respond electronically to their comments, using a whole school format.

  • The younger children work in partnership with the older children to write their views.

  • Every report is unique and personalised

  • Two week period of reflection built into the school year to ensure that time can be given for these to be written