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Clubs & Activities



We have a range of clubs available for the children to take part in at All Saints School. They are delivered by Hotshots, Pacesetter Sports, or Katy (Dance Teacher). We endeavour to send out information regarding all clubs periodically throughout the year and this information is generally shared on Head to Home or via Class Dojo so please keep up to date with checking this.

Please see below for our timetable of Clubs that are currently on offer. If you have any questions about any clubs please contact the provider or speak to a member of staff in the office who will endeavour to help.

Throughout the year afterschool clubs are periodically held by our teachers in school. For example, this may be colouring club, book club or games club. Information about these teacher clubs are shared on Class Dojo and are normally first come first served.

 Clubs 25



For more information about this Basketball club please email Mark at:  or he can be contacted on: 07775 670375.       

 Pacesetter Sports

Pacesetter Sports offers range of clubs currently at All Saints. All clubs are to be booked via the Pacesetter Sports website. www.pacesetteronline.co.uk/allsaints