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Applying to School

Applying for a Place in our School

There are two ways in which you may decide you would like your child to attend our school:

  1. Your child will be turning 4 and starting school in Reception.
  2. Your child is already at school and you would like to change their school in year.

Please follow the appropriate information below for the steps to take to apply to our school.

For information on our admissions procedures and our oversubscription criteria, please see the relevant admissions policy attached. 

1. How to Apply for a Primary School Place

If your child lives in Northamptonshire, from 8 September 2023, you can make an application for a Primary school place for September 2024 if your child has their 4th birthday between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024. Please follow this link to take you to the county council web page to apply for schools and follow the link for Primary School places.

The closing date for applications will be Midnight on 15 January 2024.


Following the National Offer Day on Tuesday 16 April 2024, the deadline for lodging an on-time appeal is Monday 20 May 2024 (9.00am) and the deadline for submitting additional evidence is Monday 24 June 2024 (9.00am).

The Appeal Clerk will send notification of the Hearing (Date and Time) to the Appellants, week commencing 17 June 2024 and proposed appeal hearing dates are between 8-12 July 2024.   

Spring/Summer 2024 appeals will take place on Zoom.

Decision letters will be sent within 5 working days of the appeal hearing, subject to any unforeseen circumstances.


The Governors will admit up to the published admission number (PAN). For any child subsequently refused a place, parents/legal guardians will have the right to appeal against the decision, to an Independent Appeals Panel.  Parents wishing to appeal should contact the Appeals Administrator to request an Admission Appeals pack.

E-mail:   or call 01604-887006


2. How to Apply for an In Year Primary School Place

If your child is already at primary school and wishes to move to a different school, you will need to make an in-year application by contacting the County Council.

The County Council then inform us that you have made an application and then we will contact you directly as we deal with our own admissions and waiting list. If we have no current spaces we will offer you the option of being placed on the waiting list. In order to be put on our waiting list, we need to see the birth certificate and a document such as utility bill as proof of address along with a completed in year application form. This form can be found attached to this page or pop in to the school office to collect one. 

The waiting lists are renewed at the start of each Seasonal term. If you wish your child to remain on the list you must contact the school within 10 school days of the start of each term in September, January and April. If no contact is received then your child’s name will be removed from the waiting list. 

If you have any questions surrounding any of our admissions procedures, please do not hesitate to telephone the office and we will do our best to help you. 01933 225888