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Pupil Roles in School

Pupil Roles in School - Our Good Samaritans

When we consider “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as if working for the Lord “ the importance of children giving of their time and being involved in projects involving social justice was very important to us.

The Good Samaritans includes the Learning Council and groups of children working together to improve our school, our town and our world. The children are encouraged to demonstrate courageous advocacy and to stand up for things that are important to them.

It is important that we foster responsible citizens and young people who show the world in which they live, love and care. All Saints school is a family who look after the building and all who are in it.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and truth”.

John 3:18


Learning Council

Our Learning Council has two elected members from every class and are supported by our Head of school and our Deputy Headteacher. They meet on a very regular basis to discuss school improvement based around listening to the rest of the school community.

Projects such as improving the toilets, allowing our Key Stage 1 and EYFS children to wear ties, PE school uniform which can be worn everyday and carrying out learning walks of reading areas are just some examples.

Head and Deputies of School

Every child in Year 5 in the summer term can complete an application process to become the Head or Deputy of school. The children all have the chance to discuss their application with the HT and current Heads of school. The strongest 8 children then have the opportunity to present their ideas to the rest of the school during worship time and the have a two-week campaign period. The whole school votes including staff and the two children with the most votes become Head Boy/Girl and the next two become Deputies. Previously it was always a boy and girl however the learning council felt strongly that it should be the two with the highest votes regardless of gender.

The Heads of school are very visible members of our school community. They are role models for the rest of the school and wear blazers.

The children:

  • lead the learning council and class ambassadors.
  • carry out tours of the school with visitors.
  • lead services at the church.
  • complete a range of jobs on a daily basis.
  • speak to new parents about the school.
  • lead the prayers at various points such as lunchtime and the Lord’s prayer in Celebration worship!Heads and Deputies

Happiness Heroes

Children are encouraged to apply for this role and selected by the Pastoral and Family Support Officer who they work closely with. This group of children from across the school work closely on areas such as:

  • Mental Health
  • Wellbeing
  • Bullying
  • Online safety
  • Equality

The Happiness Heroes led the school with awareness days and weeks which are significant in the school calendar. A recent project involved working with the Mental Health Support Team to create “Regulation Baskets “for each class to for children to access to help them emotionally regulate themselves. They have also worked with the NSPCC team to support various projects such as Mental Health Day.

House Captains and Junior Captains

All of the children and adults at All Saints on arrival at the school are placed in one of four House Teams. The names of these teams were selected some time ago by the Learning Council and are all significant scientists.





Family members are always within the same team. Children in Year 6 and in Year 2 can stand for the positions. They present a speech to their House team and an election is held and four in total are selected.

The House Captains oversee sports day but also lead House team afternoons which are held across the year which cover areas such as British Values, Maths Investigations, inter house sports competitions.

Road Safety Officers

The children in Year 4 and 5 have the opportunity to apply for the role of Road safety officer. The children noticed that parents and carers parked on the double yellow lines, on the zip zags, on the bends etc. We have no carpark and parking is tricky, but we do have a theatre carpark which adults so not always use it.

The team led by two Year 5 children who organise the rota go out in the morning before school and at the end of the day to place out our “Little People”. They stand in all weathers and will politely remind adults where the suitable places are to park!  

Road Safety

Environmental Team

A while ago our site supervisor sadly left us and despite trying really hard, we could not manage to replace them. So, we needed to do something different. Our children look after the school building. One day a week a class is allocated the outside space, this being from Year 2 to Year 6. On their allotted day they collect litter, sweep the paths and ensure that we are looking neat and tidy. They empty the recycling bins and report any issues they may have identified.

The Year 5 class also on a regular basis go to All Saints Church to support the volunteers who clean the church and litter pick in the grounds.

We also have team who are involved with Welly Wombles who focus on Castle Fields Park.


We elect two Head Prefects who then organise a team of prefects. The Prefects support children when they are moving around the building and deal with the stairs. They also ring the bells at the start of the day and break time as we do not have an electronic system.  

Collective Worship Team

This team sets up the hall for worship organising the worship table. They light the candles and carry out the welcome and close the worship. They organise the IT systems and the music. They read and support in worship. When a value is completed the Collective Worship Lead with the Headteacher decides on the winner of the values trophy and awards this in celebration worship. The leader also distributes all of the resources for worship for classrooms and moves the prayers chairs each half term.

Class Ambassadors

Our Deputy Heads of school oversee our class ambassadors. Each class from Year 1 upwards has two children who can meet visitors at their classroom door and welcome these individuals while also sharing what the class is learning etc. This allows for the staff to continue with their delivery of lessons.

Community Team

We have a community leader from Year 6 who works very closely with the Headteacher, the learning Council and CLASS (parent association). The Community Leader then recruits other individuals to support at various events across the school year. The team promote, advertise, set up and then deliver events reporting back on the success on H2H. Events such as MacMillan Coffee Morning, Poppy Sales, Raffles, Awareness days, Film Nights.