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Online Safety

Online Safety at All Saints CEVA Primary School

The Online Safety and Acceptable Use Policy sets out the roles, responsibilities and procedures for the acceptable, safe and responsible use of all technologies to safeguard adults, children and young people within our school.

At present the internet technologies used extensively by young people in both home and school environments include:

  • Websites/blogs
  • Social Networking and Chat Rooms
  • Gaming/forums on Xbox live etc.
  • Music Downloading
  • Mobile phones with wireless connectivity
  • Email and Instant Messaging

This policy provides support and guidance to parents/carers and the wider community (where appropriate) for the safe and responsible use of these technologies beyond the school or educatlonal setting. It also explains procedures for any unacceptable use of these technologies by children or young people and refers to school disciplinary procedures for staff.

Within the school environment we have a monitoring system called 'Future Digital'. This constantly filters and checks all systems that are connected to the school server or wifi. It monitors inappropriate language and websites/materials and checks for any extremeist type behaviour. This operates 24 hours a day 365 days of the year. Senior Leaders are therefore able to closely ensure that all IT equipment is used safely and any alerts are quickly dealt with.

If you have any immediate concerns, please either speak to us or contact CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection command).