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Faith at All Saints

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Church candles

We had our last SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection in November 2016.

We are inspected on these aspects of school life:

  • Our distinctiveness as a Church school,
  • Religious Education
  • Leadership and Management

We are very proud to be able to say that we were awarded OUTSTANDING for every area of the inspection.

All Saints CEVA Primary School and Nursery Unit is a Church of England School and forms part of the Diocese of Peterborough. Click on the images below to go to their websites.

            Church of England Peterborough Diocese                           

Here are a few of our favourite quotes:

“Relationships are of the highest standard in this school and are shaped by its Christian character”.

“The school’s Christian character has a high profile and shapes its approach to building respect for diversity and difference”.

“Worship is seen as an important part of school life, making a strong contribution to spiritual and moral development. At the start of each morning, it sets the atmosphere for the day. Children describe it as a time ‘which helps us to understand how we could live a good life and learn from Jesus.”

“Standards in RE are high and often above the expectations of the locally agreed syllabus. Teaching is never less than good and often outstanding”.

“Members of the school community describe the headteacher and her deputy as inspiring role models who promote a vision deeply rooted in Christian values. They live out their Christian vision in everything they do for the school. The governing body fully supports them in this vision”.