As a school, we are so blessed to be surrounded by many wonderful religious communities. Our children's families, staff members and wider community belong to various denominations and congregations which brings our children a fantastic picture of what Church is and what it means to worship God within a church.
We are very fortunate to have Canon Paula York who serves over both All Saints and All Hallows Churches who not only comes into school to lead worship and support with RE lessons but leads worship on our regular visits to the churches.
We have 7 foundation governors who are regular members of the congregation who serve on our Governing board and make up our Faith committee. This team oversees the Christian distinctiveness of the school.
Our School Choir perform regularly at Sunday services and a group of children are also responsible for joining volunteers to clean both the inside and outside of All Saints on a regular basis. The choir also participates in the Dedication to Church School festival held at Peterborough Cathedral in the Autumn term yearly. This is a great honour to have this opportunity when there are over a hundred schools to select from.
It is important that every child during their time at All Saints has the opportunity to experience Peterborough Cathedral. We make a commitment for every child to visit twice during the 7 Primary school years. Special days with a focus on Advent or Lent have been very impactful .
A group of children on a yearly basis participate in the Christmas Tree Festival at the Congregational Church and as part of understanding wider faiths we attend the various temples in the local area to support learning in other religious.
The Christian Assembly Team across the year deliver worship to the whole school at 12 points across the year and our Year 6 experience an Inter Faith Workshop on a yearly basis. Through this workshop the children gain a real insight into religions from local leaders.
We have very strong links with Diocese of Peterborough; benefiting from our GOLD service level agreement. The Headteacher is a Diocesan School's Consultant supporting schools with their Christian distinctiveness.
Hello, my name is Paula and I am the vicar at All Saints Church in Wellingborough 
All Saints Primary School is very much part of our All Saints Church family. Our ministry team visit the school regularly to lead Collective Worship and the children come to visit our church building either as a whole school or in smaller groups. We especially enjoy celebrating the children's achievements and hearing about how they as the 'saints of All Saints are learning and growing in all they do. Members of our congregation serve as school governors, and we work together with Mrs Johnson and her team to build and nurture the close links between church and school which have been and continue to be so much a part of our shared life. The children and staff also visit All Hallows Church, where I am also vicar, celebrating Christingle.
I feel very blessed to be part of school life, working with the children and staff as we, being guided by Jesus, seek to deepen a passion for learning, high aspirations and respect for all.
The Reverend Canon Paula York
For more information about All Saints Church and the services there, please see their website.