With Jesus as our guide
we will inspire a passion for learning,
high aspirations
and respect for all.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord Colossians 3:22
On the 18th April 1877 the parish of All Saints called a meeting to discuss the need for a school. Fund raising from the community then commenced with many donations form the local community which surrounded the church. This was to be a school which could be accessed by the children form the working families of Wellingborough. The parents who worked on the railways, in the Boot and Shoe factories would have a place for their children to be educated. Some of the poorest families were located around the area and the school was established to help support those in need or those who faced difficult times. The school due to the amazing efforts of the community was opened in 1880 to children.
Fundraising to support the families and to gain enough money to run the school was always an ongoing focus for the early years until 1891 when the government started to fund education for all children.
Our theologically based vision reflects the origins of the school.
“With Jesus as our guide” The thinking behind this is that we would use the words and teachings of Jesus to guide us in all that we do.
We follow his example of how he treated others and how others followed him to shape their lives.
As a Christian based church the word of Jesus is at the root of what we are doing.
“We will inspire a passion for learning” It is a core part of All Saints that when children leave at the end of Year 6 we have found their passion for whatever that may be. We believe that all subjects are important whether that is writing, singing, drawing, investigating, numbers and that a balanced/broad curriculum is the culture of All Saints.
With the adults who work at All Saints we expect them to promote a passionate approach to the curriculum fostering that curiosity, desire to find out more, the wonder and the why. We provide many opportunities and experiences for children to access so they can shine or be inspired.
We don't believe there is a ceiling on learning, and we are open to all children having opportunities.
“High aspirations” We don't believe there is a ceiling on learning, and we are open to all children having opportunities. When we consider the foundation on which the school was built it is important that we reflect this in our Vision that this is a place where everyone can succeed
“Respect for all” There are no barriers and equality, mutual respect and tolerance of others and their beliefs, faiths and life choices are woven throughout the school ethos so that we are accepting of differences and embrace these.
We love the fact and embrace it that we are all unique and part of that special family that is All Saints created for the families which surround us.
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord”. Colossians 3:22
We are asking our children and staff to follow this. They need to consider that if in whatever they are doing whether that is singing, writing, dividing they apply everything they have whether they are successful or not, holding in their mind that they are doing this for the Lord.
As a school we worked together over time to co create our definition and to examine closely how we are providing opportunities for spirituality to flourish
Our definition of spirituality is...
Spirituality is our natural capacity to influence our actions, feelings and thoughts in relation to more than self. It is more than “you”. It can be experienced both consciously and unconsciously and can be informed by life experiences. It requires effort and is vulnerable. It is what shapes and informs us as to how we react in life’s moments in challenges and joy. How we hold ourselves day to day with an awareness of why and how.
We liken spirituality to a seed growing into a tree. It can be nurtured and fostered to grow, alone that tree can still grow but together with a deep inner sense of self it will flourish, blossom and bear fruit.
The Right to a Spiritual Life
The UN Convention on the Rights of a child 1989 refers to spiritual rights in four of its articles. If we accept that all children have a right to spiritual well-being it is not enough to focus fondly on just a few instances or to wait until we have time. Acceptance of rights means that we are not simply choosing to respond out of kindness but because it is imperative. When spirituality is understood in these terms as a basic and constant feature it should fundamentally affect everything we do.
Nurturing Spirituality
There are 6 criteria that lie at the core of spirituality in day to day children’s work.
The idea is that in situations you can use this criterion as checklist to help take stock of how well children’s spirituality is being supported.
Space, Process, Imagination, Relationship, Intimacy, Trust
Ways in which we can encourage Spirituality.
- Reflecting on SPIRIT
- Prayer
- Using the Bible
- Experiences
- Reflection time and space
- Using and developing the Nows, Ows and Wows within our planning for opportunities across subjects.
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